As lazy snowflakes feathered Eden Prairie pumpkin displays on Monday, the City of Eden Prairie re-issued its annual list of emergency heavy snow rules. These rule kick in with with the advent of heavy snows and concern street plowing, parking, and trash can placement.
Per an update from the City of Eden Prairie a “Snow Event is effective October 20-21 and a Snow Emergency is in effect.”
There are two stages to a snow emergency in Eden Prairie:
First, the City will announce a “Snow Event” when two or more inches of white are forecast.
Second, the City will announce a “Snow Emergency” as soon as two inches of snow have accumulated.
When a Snow Emergency is announced in Eden Prairie, street parking is not permitted until noon the following day.
On Tuesday the National Weather Service reported that as of 5:35 pm, 6.8 inches of snow had fallen in Eden Prairie. Similar amounts fell on Chanhassen, Bloomington, Edina and Minnetonka.
The City of Eden Prairie says that it will publish snow alerts on its web and social media sites and email updates. For more on the City of Eden Prairie’s heavy snow regulations and recommended, volunteer, neighbor-friendly responses to heavy snows, click here:

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