The haunted night calls of barred owls in the Summerhill Drive neighborhood were joined early Friday evening, Oct. 29, by costumed kids and their parents. Halloween falls on Sunday this year, but the families on this north-central Eden Prairie street were not waiting.
They called their block party a “Neighborhood Halloween Bash.” It was. Out came the potluck dishes, the pizzas, the soda, the treats, the games, the chats and the kids. Temporary traffic barriers, a portable fire pit and food tables were set up on the street.
An Eden Prairie Local News photographer walking on Summerhill Drive at about 6 p.m. noticed the party. He liked what he saw and snapped a few photos.

Check out EPLN’s list of Halloween weekend events here.
Note: Writer/photographer Jeff Strate is a member of EPLN’s Board of Directors.
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