Eden Prairie Lions Club presented a check last month to KSTP-TV Channel 5 morning news personality Chris Egert in support of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).

The money was raised during the club’s annual steak fry on May 2 at Camp Eden Wood in Eden Prairie. Egert was the guest speaker at the event that drew neighboring Lions clubs.
He and his wife Kate have a son with Type 1 diabetes. The Egerts, according to the EP Lions Club, work hard for local organizations such as JDRF to help find a cure.
Eden Prairie Lions Club and Lions International efforts serve the needs of various Lions service pillars such as diabetes, hearing, sight, and juvenile cancer through their many community fundraising projects.
The club’s next two major community fundraising events in August are the Charitable Gold Event on Aug. 1 at Dahlgreen Golf Course in Chaska and the annual Corn Feed held at Round Lake Park on Aug. 6. Foursomes are needed for the golf event.
Established in 1961, the Eden Prairie Lions Club has over 90 members representing men and women volunteering their time and talents in the community. For more information on becoming a member, visit the EP Lions website at www.eplions.com.
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