Several colleges and universities have named Eden Prairie students to their respective dean’s list. Others have announced graduations.
EPLN relies on schools to send us this information. If you don’t see your student’s school listed, please send your student’s name, the school’s name and location, award (e.g., dean’s list), year in school, and major to with subject “Student Recognition.”
Dean’s List
Central College, Pella, Iowa
Drew Edwards, senior
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Lydia Humphrey, business and marketing
Ryan Lothenbach , architecture
The College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minn.
Shelby Benkofske
Rachel Kranitz
University of Vermont, Burlington
Claire Purdue, music

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Izzy Anderson, junior, Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, music and psychology.
Adam Michael Beer, senior, College of Business, actuarial science.
Blake Branvold, senior, College of Arts and Sciences, computer science.
Olivia Marie Dohmen, senior, College of Business, management.
Katelyn Jensen, freshman, Explore Center, undeclared undergraduate.
Sophia Klysen, freshman, College of Business, marketing and finance.
Noah Christopher Kregness, senior, College of Arts and Sciences, political science.
Jackson Myers, sophomore, College of Architecture, architectural studies.
Alexa Russo, junior, College of Education and Human Sciences, communication sciences and disorders.
Jarett Dean Taylor, freshman, College of Business, marketing.
Marissa Eileen Thelen, junior, College of Education and Human Sciences, elementary education.
Samuel Eli Thomas, junior, College of Business, supply chain management.
Anna Grace Tupa Clark, freshman, College of Education and Human Sciences and Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, nutrition and health sciences, and dance.
Izzy Williams, junior, College of Arts and Sciences, biological sciences.

Campbellsville University, Kentucky
Kaja Ratna Kishore
Bhargavi Kotamaneni
Sri Lalita Naga Vyshnavi Mudimbi
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