Let’s Go Fishing – Eden Prairie Area Chapter (LGF-EP) held its annual fish fry at Immanuel Lutheran Church on March 2.
The event proceeds allow LGF-EP to provide fishing and boating trips to veterans, seniors, hospice patients, disabled individuals and youth in the community.
The event was back to an “all-you-can-eat” format for the first time since the pandemic. The menu included fried pollock, potato salad, coleslaw, beans and hush puppies. A raffle and silent auction were also held.
More than 40 LGF-EP board members and volunteers, in addition to Boy Scouts, helped serve more than 650 meals, raising over $10,000 for the organization.
“We are truly grateful for the support of our community. Our donors and volunteers make this work possible,” said LGF-EP fundraising chair Tina Palmer.

Beginning March 4, LGF-EP has a new chapter president. Joe Oprosko took over the role as Steve Wilson stepped down after eight years.
“As I step into the president role in 2024 for the LGF-EP chapter, I want to focus on doing as good of a job as Steve Wilson has done in growing our chapter,” said Oprosko.
The 2024 season will see the addition of two new pontoon boats, the addition of AEDs (automated external defibrillators) to each boat, and the expansion of the “Cops & Bobbers” program, in which youth fish alongside members of the Eden Prairie Police Department, which awarded the AEDs to LGF-EP.
“Our goals for 2024 are to serve 4,000-plus seniors, veterans, hospice patients, disabled individuals, and youth,” said Oprosko. “However, our organization is run entirely by volunteers, and we are always in need of assistance.”
Trip captains are needed most to drive the boats and coordinate with the groups LGF-EP is serving.

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