Ten local students were recently recognized for their outstanding submissions in the 2024 Eden Prairie Optimist Club essay contest.
The annual competition held in February invited students to write their essays on “Optimism: How It Connects Us.”
The essays were divided into three categories based on the students’ age groups: Elementary, Middle School, and High School.
EPLN is reprinting below the three first-place entries written by Banji Olofinboba and Syon Shetty, both students at Eden Prairie High School, and Shravanth Timma, a student at Central Middle School.
Olofinboba’s essay was the overall first-place winner and will be forwarded to the district level for judging alongside other Optimist Club winners, in the DMM (Dakotas, Minnesota, Manitoba) District.
Banji Olofinboba
In my dream, I have arrived at the entrance, and what I see is even better than anything I could’ve imagined.
The grandeur of the event is visible from afar; bright neon signs light up the entire area. Hands full of fluffy pink cotton candy and buttery popcorn, I make my way to the biggest circus tent. I hear the roars and cheers of the crowd becoming louder and louder as I approach the tent door – but as I pull back the tent’s door flap, my eyes widen even more.

“Welcome to the Optimism Circus!” the beaming usher eclectically dressed in a bright yellow checkered suit and tie exclaims. “My name is Zalthabar, and here the magic of positive thinking turns the ordinary into the extraordinary!”
“What is he even talking about?”
Reading my blank stare, he gives me a knowing look. “I know this can be a bit disorienting for –” he pauses, “– newcomers. Let me show you around.”
Before I can even get a word in, I get pulled over to a red, striped sign labeled Tightrope of Possibility. I look up, and fifty feet in the air are three smiling acrobats who traverse the precarious rope – but to my surprise, without an ounce of trepidation.
As they cross from one side to the other, they step with the firm optimism that each step forward, no matter how big or small, brings them closer to a brighter future.
At ground level, I cheer them on in delight.
Zalthabar leads me outside of the tent for the next segment of the tour. But I quickly come to a halt – something has caught his eye.
“Hey, look over there!” Zalthabar shrieks in excitement.
The Clapping Clowns of Joy are making their rounds, and we, along with the rest of the audience, join their infectious rhythmic applause. As the clowns lead the synchronized clapping,
I am reminded that just like applause, we as a community can unite to create a united wave of positivity and hope.
Together, Zalthabar and I leave the crowd and we walk over to the amusement ride section of the circus. Finally, we stopped in front of the next attraction.
Bright, waltzy music plays as we spin around the Optimism Carousel. Weathered wooden horses representing the storms of doubt and despair greeted us when we got on the ride, but their chipped paint and dent-etched outer gradually transformed into beautifully crafted mares and stallions as the ride progressed. Unfazed by this seemingly inexplicable change, Zalthabar explains to me that the horses serve as a reminder that setbacks are not the end but merely a temporary pause in the grand carousel of life. I leave the ride feeling a little dizzy, but feeling ready – and optimistic – for the last ride of the day.
The sun has begun to set, and the festivities will soon be wrapping up. But there is no doubt that I am far from where I started today – and not just physically.
“I know that this tour was a bit long,” Zalthabar admits. “But we’ve now arrived at our final destination: The Ferris Wheel of Life.”
As I gaze ahead at the glittering Ferris wheel, I notice that each seat is painted in various hues of green, yellow, blue, and red. I hop onboard and take a seat; the ride begins to move on its own. Zalthabar explains that each of the seats represents a different phase of life, and as the wheel turns, he reminds me that life, just like the ride, brings both highs and lows. Optimism reminds us that even in the darkest moments, a brighter turn is just around the corner. As I quietly reflect on my eventful day, the Firework Extravaganza begins to illuminate the night sky with bursts of brilliance and hope. In the Optimism Circus, each firework represents the unique aspirations and dreams of each visitor, and as they explode in a dazzling display, I witness the collective dreams of a community, interconnected by the belief that the future holds boundless possibilities.
The Optimism Circus is not merely a spectacle; it is a celebration of the ties that bind us in the shared experience of joy, resilience, and of course, optimism for the future. Yes, the tent must come down, and the circus must move to the next town. But as I venture back into the world beyond the circus and begin to wake up from my night’s slumber, I carry the lessons learned under the dazzling lights: that optimism, in all its glorious forms, is the magic thread that connects us in the grand tapestry of life.
Syon Shetty
“Screeeck …”
I opened the door of my local Feed My Starving Children, unleashing a symphony of aromas. With my hairnet on, I dove into the fray, each scoop of rice a defiant bullet against an unseen enemy. Hunger-etched faces flashed in my mind, their plight fueling my fury. This was not charity, it was a rebellion, a child somewhere would not starve. I, armed with a cup and resolve, began to pack food.

I then witnessed a miracle when I received an update. The impact of my volunteering. Seeing the meals reach those who needed them most warmed my heart.
While it was just a small step in the face of global hunger, it was a very personal step for me and a reminder that even minor actions can bring hope.
Children who struggled before were now playing and interacting, their faces reflecting newfound joy. Now, every grain of rice I see reminds me of these happy kids, free from the worry of an empty stomach. Their smiles are a powerful reminder of the positive change even small efforts can create.
The world grapples with conflict’s harsh reality, casting shadows of pain and suffering. Yet, despite the darkness, glimmers of beauty and kindness persist.
Children in Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza, witness to hardship, still discover joy in life’s small moments. Their optimism and resilience serve as an inspiration, reminding us that even in challenging times, hope can persevere. Their unwavering spirit, a testament to the human capacity for joy, encourages us to nurture our own hope and contribute to a brighter future, one act of kindness at a time.
Beyond global headlines, optimism battles closer-to-home challenges too. Imagine children facing isolation and hurt from bullying or struggling with mental health issues. Often feeling alone, they might lose hope. But support can be a game-changer. By fostering empathy, seeing the good in each other, and choosing kindness, we build a stronger, more positive support system, one where everyone feels empowered to overcome challenges and flourish.
Optimism is a magnetic force that connects us in many ways. It is the belief that things will improve, and the future holds promise.
This positive outlook encourages us to see the best in others, find common ground, and work together for a better tomorrow.
I have seen countless examples in the media of people uniting to offer support, pursue peace, and create positive change. Focusing on these stories inspires hope in me and reminds me of the good that persists in the world.
Optimism helps me to connect with others by fostering a sense of hope and positivity. When I share my optimism with others, I can inspire them to see the world more positively. This helps me to form strong connections with others, as we are more likely to trust and support them. Optimism can also help us to see the good in difficult situations and to find ways to work together to overcome challenges.
Additionally, optimism can facilitate connection by encouraging the identification of shared goals and the potential for collaboration. A positive outlook will increase the likelihood of seeking common ground despite different perspectives or opinions.
Optimism assists in navigating intercultural challenges and fostering the belief in fundamental similarities among all of us.
It helps us in recognizing the value and unique contributions within diverse groups, ultimately strengthening interpersonal bonds through mutual appreciation.
Optimism works its magic even beyond forging connections, it ignites action and empowers change. The belief that our efforts matter translates into stepping stones toward a better future. Whether we volunteer, support a cause, or simply choose kindness daily, each act fueled by optimism empowers us to be the change we wish to see in the world.
To sum it all up, optimism allows us to see beyond shadows, gives us a glimpse of the potential in each other, and the shared yearning for a better tomorrow. With unwavering hope, we bridge divides, find common ground, and weave a tapestry of collective action. Like threads binding us closer, each act of optimism, each outstretched hand, strengthens the fabric of our shared humanity.
Let us rise, fueled by this unwavering belief, and together, weave a tomorrow ablaze with hope, connection, and the unwavering spirit of optimism.
Shravanth Timma
Optimism can connect us in many different ways.
Everyone has used optimism at some point in their lives. I have used optimism. It has helped me get through tough times when I am feeling down. You have probably used optimism without knowing it. Optimism can be used during hardships while fighting for your beliefs and during daily life. Optimism helps many people bond and find lifelong friends.

Optimism is a complicated yet simple word.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, optimism is, “an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome.”
Many people use optimism every day. An example of someone using optimism is when playing a sport. For example, imagine you are playing in an important tournament, and your team is down by a few points. The coach is not going to beat you up. He might tell you to stay optimistic and never let your hopes down.
Another example of optimism is in times of hardship. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an example. The refugees from the war and the survivors that are still in Ukraine are staying optimistic. They hope that Ukraine will win the war.
According to a professor named Becky Johnen, “Optimism leads to a chain reaction of positive actions, all of which help us navigate and thrive in a changed environment.”
One individual’s positive attitude during tough times can help improve everyone’s attitude and help them stay optimistic. Optimism brings people together like a beacon of hope. Without optimism, these citizens would have no hope. Feeling down is typical optimism can get you through it.
Expressing your opinions has become natural. People find common issues that they find wrong and express themselves. An issue that many find pressing is racial inequality. Racial inequality has been an issue for years.
According to all.com, “A protest is an event or action where people gather with others to publicly express their opinions about something that is happening in society.”
Social media has become so accessible that people use it to spread their message. Protesters do not always get what they want. Optimism helps them persevere. Protesters keep trying so they can resolve their issues. Before protesting, they need to find like-minded people who share common beliefs. Once they find these people and start to protest, they can build bonds with one another by connecting and even forming lifelong friendships. Protesters stay optimistic and fight for their views while making friends.
Next, how can we connect with people using optimism? Setting realistic goals, finding inspiration, and being kind can help you connect with people while using optimism.
Setting a goal for yourself can make an impact on being optimistic. If you are doing badly in a subject, you can get better by taking an extra class to learn more about that subject. When doing this, you set a goal to improve on said subject. You do this by taking a class and being optimistic that you will do better. In this class, you can meet new people who can be your friends.
You can also find someone that you look up to for inspiration. If you want to become like this person, you can ask more about what they do to be like they are and how they achieve that. You can bond with this person and become good friends with them. Finally, you can use kindness. You might be someone else’s inspiration.
By being kind to everyone, they can start to approach you. After that, you can build bonds and connect with them. These are all easy ways to practice optimism and to make friends with them.
Optimism is not very hard to find, but, how does it connect us? Optimism connects us through hardships while fighting for our beliefs and during daily life. You might be having a bad day, but, you can power through it and keep going. You can remain optimistic and think that tomorrow will be better. It is also a way to support someone. You can support them by telling them to keep trying and that things will improve. There are many ways that optimism can connect us and help us find friends.
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