Eden Prairie High School’s (EPHS) talented music students performed their annual CCCOWE Concert on March 7, featuring the school’s Chamber Choir, Concert Orchestra, and Wind Ensemble.
The free performance took place at the EPHS Performing Arts Center.
Each winter, these three top performance groups convene to perform selections independently and together in a joint performance. Video recordings of the concert performances can be viewed here.

Directed by Jill Boyd, the Chamber Choir performed five songs: “Jenga Imani Yako,” sung in Swahili with percussion; “MLK” with soloist Evie Bischoff; “The Word Was God”; “Shalom, Pacem, Peace”; and “Lead With Love,” featuring soloists Kaitlyn Kriesch and Eliana Zweifelhofer.
Directed by Angelique Rowell, the Concert Orchestra performed “Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis,” “Libertango,” and “Hungarian Dance No. 5.”
Directed by Mike Whipkey, the Wind Ensemble performed “Ergo,” “Paintings,” and “Undertow.”
The three groups finished the concert by performing the song “I Believe” together on stage, with solos by Paloma Rodriguez and Kadie Crider. The words of this song are an anonymous poem written during World War II on the walls of a cellar in a Cologne, Germany, concentration camp.

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