Janet Kitui, of Edina, holds a master’s degree in business administration and currently serves as the director of procurement at Normandale Community College in Bloomington.
Kitui says she has been actively engaged in various community initiatives, including serving as president of the parent council at Southview Middle School, contributing to the Edina Housing Task Force, participating in the Transportation Commission, and contributing to the Edina Climate Action Plan.
More information on Kitui and her candidacy can be found on her campaign website: JanetforHennepinCounty.com.

Question 1
Introduction and priorities: Why are you running for the Hennepin County District 6 seat, and what are the main issues you are focusing on in your campaign?
Kitui: I am running because representation matters, because it informs the issues that are spotlighted and emphasized, which leads to more innovative and enduring solutions. In Hennepin County, inequities in education, employment, health, housing, income, justice and transportation are starkest between residents of color and their white counterparts. When we start our work from this shared perspective, we shift our guiding lens to one that is focused on commitment to addressing these disparities.
Question 2
Fiscal management: How do you intend to balance fiscal responsibility with the need to invest in community services and infrastructure?
Kitui: I do intend to follow the model of our state constitution where we are required to have a balanced budget. Collect tax revenue to match the county expenditure.
Question 3
Public safety: Can you outline your strategies for improving public safety and enhancing trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve?
Kitui: No matter what we look like or where we come from, we all want to be safe in our homes and communities. It is time we fully fund and expand public safety, so every family has professionals that keep us safe and address the root cause of crime. The county has taken bold steps to assign social workers to police departments where they do follow-up. The most prevalent issues in community safety include domestic violence as well as a lack of treatment for mental health crises and addictions. Support police where there are co-responders that go with the police. The co-responders should not be employees of the police department (as) this enables (co-responders) to access health information not available to law enforcement.
We need to build a shelter for people fleeing domestic violence in Hennepin District 6. We have no shelter in the 16 cities if you are fleeing domestic violence.
Question 4
Economic development: What plans do you have to support small business growth, ensure fair labor practices, and encourage sustainable development in our district?
Kitui: With my experience as a small business owner, I understand what it takes to grow the economy and create jobs. I’ll work to reduce the tax and regulatory burden on Hennepin District 6, businesses and entrepreneurs and institute zero budgeting.
- Provide low-cost loan to scale their business.
- Non-profits that work with small businesses to provide support on scaling up.
- I support workers who want to form a union (and) should have one without employer interference. I do support workers’ right to collective bargaining.
Question 5
Land use and development: How will you approach the challenges of development, including managing green spaces and promoting affordable housing?
Kitui: Outdated land use policies and processes are limiting our ability to ensure that all Hennepin County District 6 residents have a place they can afford with strong schools and good jobs. Make it easier to build more houses of all types, ADU. Reduce barriers that drive up costs of building missing middle. Eliminate exclusionary zoning practices that have exacerbated racial housing gaps. Streamline process and approval to build more homes at a lower cost. When hardworking teachers, nurses, firefighters and waitresses are struggling to keep up with rising housing costs in our community, you know there is a crisis.
Question 6
Southwest Light Rail Transit Project: What is your position on the 14.5-mile extension of the current Green Line to Eden Prairie, and how will you address the community and financial concerns brought by some residents and legislators related to this project?
Kitui: Community engagement is critical to avoid the lawsuits that have at times halted the construction of SWLT, which has increased the cost of building the SWLT. Hennepin County knows where we want to go and how we want to get there; it’s the government’s responsibility to support those needs in the most cost-effective way possible. I’ll work to ensure the priorities of Hennepin County District 6 and our businesses are reflected in our county transportation funding – including roads, light rail, the lifeblood of our county’s economic prosperity.
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