Eden Prairie Local News board member Jeff Strate received two 2024 Hometown Media Awards for independently produced access programs that premiered in 2023.
“This is Eden Prairie Local News” was selected as the best fundraising video, and Strate’s series, “Democratic Visions,” was cited as the best magazine show. The awards will be handed out during the Alliance for Community Media’s national convention in San Jose, California, on June 26.
“This is Eden Prairie Local News” features EPLN board members Mark Weber, Pastor Rod Anderson, Chair Nancy Tyra-Lukens, and Publisher/CEO Steve Schewe. The seven-minute video weaves together these community leaders with clips of co-editors Stuart Sudak and Joanna Takes, high school sports, community events, and headlines to tell the story of this young, online newspaper. The Hometown Media Award in the “Fundraising” category is for “an event designed to raise awareness, money, interest, or support for an organization or its mission.”
Strate produces programs through Southwest Community Television (SWTV) and Bloomington Community Access Television (BCAT). “Their training workshops, facilities and partnership,” he says, “make it possible for anyone in Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka, Richfield, Hopkins and Bloomington with a message and passion or some kind of talent to create their own shows.”
Last September, Eden Prairie Local News green-lighted Strate’s concept for a fundraising video for EPLN’s annual October public meeting. Because of BCAT’s free studio, camera gear and editing facilities combined with Strate’s sweat equity, the seven-minute video cost nothing. Its October meeting premiere prompted enthusiastic applause. The video has been broadcast on various Twin Cities access channels and can be seen anytime on EPLN’s YouTube Channel.
“I am hoping the video will spark more donations to and advertising buys on EPLN,” said Strate. “We’re a nonprofit, hyper-local news service that costs money. But our venture continues to be mostly fueled by a team of talented volunteer professionals. Mark, Nancy, Steve and Pastor Rod tell us why EPLN is worthy of and needs more support.”
Local magazine show earns another win

“Democratic Visions,” a locally produced access magazine show, has also won a national, 2024 Hometown Media Award in a magazine show category. It, too, is produced by Strate. The series was also honored with the same award in 2022.
Radio/podcaster sports commentator and social critic Mike “Stretch” Gelfand watches and appears on “Democratic Visions.” Strate and Gelfand’s television collaborations began at KTCA-TV in 1978 with a series of humorous commentaries.
Upon learning of the Hometown Media honor, Gelfand emailed a note to Strate: “I love Minnesota, but when I take in the local media, sometimes I feel like it’s not smart to be smart around here. Then I watch ‘Democratic Visions,’ and I see smart folks who can be incisive and sometimes funny, and sometimes even both at the same time.”
The “Democratic Visions” sampler, which judges viewed, features Gelfand and other show regulars. It can be seen here. “’Democratic Visions’ is not fancy,” says Gelfand. “Tom Barnard pays me. Strate doesn’t. (Bob) Sansevere use to.”
The Alliance for Community Media
The Alliance for Community Media (ACM) explains that the Hometown Media Awards program honors and promotes community media, community radio, and local cable programs distributed on Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) access cable television channels. Proceeds go to the Alliance For Community Media Foundation, which is exclusively used to facilitate, preserve and promote education in community media.
Founded in 1979, the Alliance for Community Media is a national, non-profit membership organization committed to ensuring access to electronic media for all people. The Alliance for Community Media carries out its mission by educating, advocating and acting as a resource for the more than 3,000 Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) cable channels nationwide.
Editors note: EPLN’s Jeff Strate is an ACM member. Information for this story was provided by Strate and the Alliance for Community Media.

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