Vehicle thefts in Hennepin County are on the rise, prompting local law enforcement agencies to express concern and step up prevention efforts.
Last month, the Hennepin County Police Chiefs Association issued a statement noting that a significant percentage of these thefts are committed by juveniles.
“Across our communities, auto theft remains a serious problem, and we are often seeing the same juveniles arrested again and again for these crimes. Moreover, carjacking often leads to other violent crimes, putting both the juveniles committing these crimes and the community at serious risk,” the statement said.
“We hope the Hennepin County Attorney will work with law enforcement to hold criminals accountable, get youth the interventions they need, and work to prevent recidivism.”
Among the county’s municipalities, Minneapolis faces the most severe issue, with nearly 5,000 thefts reported so far this year.
How does Eden Prairie compare, and what is the city’s police department doing to address the issue?
According to Joyce Lorenz, the city’s communications manager, there have been 66 motor vehicle thefts in Eden Prairie since the beginning of 2023.
“None have been committed by juveniles, but earlier this year we did arrest four juveniles in a vehicle stolen from another jurisdiction,” Lorenz said.
There have been no reported carjackings in Eden Prairie.
What is being done, if anything, to prevent vehicle theft?
“We have installed license plate readers in high-traffic areas to assist officers in locating stolen vehicles, and we’ve elevated (our) police presence in retail and high-traffic areas to deter criminal activity,” Lorenz said.
What can vehicle owners do to prevent or greatly reduce their chances of becoming victims?
While keeping a guard dog in your vehicle at all times may not be practical, there are some sensible steps you can take to enhance security:
- Never leave your keys in the ignition or on the seat.
- Avoid leaving your car running, even for a quick trip into a store or the post office.
- Don’t leave valuables like cell phones, jewelry, or money in plain view.
- If you have a garage, park your vehicle in it at night or during extended stays at home, and be sure to lock the garage.
- Keep a record of your vehicle’s license number, make, model, and color in your wallet or purse in case you need to report a theft to law enforcement.
Finally, if you are the target of a carjacking and someone is banging on your window with a gun, do as they say and give up your vehicle peacefully. No car or truck is worth your life or a life-threatening injury.
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