It’s been a bleak winter. As I write this, it’s minus 7 degrees Fahrenheit – one of the season’s very cold mornings – and according to the forecast, it will be even colder next week.
Last Sunday, I woke to “‘Cruel optimism’ holds back meaningful change for community journalism,” a frigid critique by Reed Anfinson, a longtime newspaper publisher, in the Minnesota Star Tribune’s Opinion section – one that seemed directed at our newsroom and the Metro Nonprofit News Network we helped found last year.
Our network’s response will be published soon in the Star Tribune. Here’s a preview of our piece’s final paragraph:
“We don’t have all the answers, and there are always new questions to which we will strive to find answers. We are already fulfilling a great need in the communities we serve. We see our optimism validated in the reactions of our readers, donors, area leaders, and business owners who genuinely appreciate how badly local news is needed.”
Eden Prairie Local News (EPLN) turns five this summer! For me and our entire team, EPLN is a labor of love. On this Valentine’s Day, I am filled with deep gratitude and awe for you – the people who make our work possible.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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