Wilds Ones Native Plant Sale
Calling all gardeners! The Wild Ones Prairie Edge Spring Native Plant Sale is Friday May 20th from 2:00-7:00.
Location: Meetinghouse Church parking lot (formerly Colonial Church). 6200 Colonial Way, Edina 55436.
Dozens of varieties of perennials and shrubs available at the sale. Or you can pre-order from May 1-15 and pick them up at the sale. To pre-order go to www.naturalshorenatives.com. Select the May 20th pick up date at Meetinghouse Church (formerly Colonial Church).
Plants and much more at the sale ~ May 20, 2:00-7:00
- Beautiful aluminum garden signs
- Colorful native plant ID markers
- Books about bees and pollinators
- Native gardening Q & A table
- Native garden tours of the church grounds
- Wild Ones information and resources
Make your garden and pollinators and birds happy by adding native plants this spring!
Questions? Contact Jan Neville janeville@comcast.net