Feed My Starving Children Mobile Packing Event
St. Andrew is hosting a Feed My Starving Children MobilePack on Friday and Saturday (October 7-8). Our goal is to pack 101,000 meals together over these two days. From setup, registration, clean up as well as packing each individual meal (schedule below), over 500 people are needed to complete this exciting and inspiring project. Come enjoy the event, the rich fellowship, and faithful service together. All volunteers must pre-register. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0b4fa9a62ba64-feed3
Please note the specific areas and time slots where volunteers are needed. Please consider being a part of the setup or cleanup crew while also packing the meals.
Friday, October 7
Noon – 1PM = Unload
1-3PM = Setup in Fellowship Hall
4-6PM = Packing Session 1
6:30-8:30PM = Packing Session 2
Saturday, October 8
9-11AM = Packing Session 3
Noon-2PM = Packing Session 4
2-5PM = Clean up
Pastor Peter Johnson
952-697-7113 (direct dial)