Divots for Democracy & Brunch
Sign up for the Divots for Democracy Golf Outing Fundraiser, Brunch and On-Line Silent Auction to raise funds to support our candidates.
Senate District 48 is hosting a Divots for Democracy Golf Outing Fundraiser, Brunch and On-Line Silent Auction, to raise funds to support our candidates. This Golf Outing is for duffers to pros. Feel free to sign up if you can make only the Golf Outing. Invite family and friends to join in too.
Not a golfer? Join us for the fun by signing up for brunch and program only, following the golf outing.
SIGN UP: https://www.dfl48.org/dfl48-events
September 12, 2021 First Tee Off – 10 AM (Please check in 15 min before your tee time), Glen Lake Golf Course
Follow up Brunch and Program at 12:15pm