Author: Annie Klodd

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Annie Klodd is a University of Minnesota Extension educator who works with fruit farmers across Minnesota. She lives in the Round Lake area of Eden Prairie with her husband, Eugene and her dog, Rusty. She is originally from Indianola, Iowa, where she grew up on a vineyard, and then lived in Pennsylvania before migrating to Minnesota in 2018. In her free time, she can be found at one of our many local lakes or maintaining her ever-evolving backyard garden.

Looking for some fall fun for the whole family? With Halloween right around the corner, here are seven possibilities (in no specific order) where the pumpkins, corn mazes and apples are plentiful in or within about 30 minutes of Eden Prairie. Marshall’s Farm Market Location: Eden Prairie, on the northwest corner of Eden Prairie Road and Pioneer Trail. What to expect: More than 50 varieties of pumpkins and gourds as well as mums, corn stalks, Halloween/harvest décor, and local apples with caramel dipping sauce. A good choice for … a quick drive for family-friendly fall activities in October. Includes a corn maze, haunted…

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In my four autumns of owning a home in Eden Prairie, my husband and I have never once collected leaves in paper bags and put them on the curb. Lucky for us, there are several other ways to handle fall leaves that don’t involve the time-consuming task of bagging. Plus, some of them can help bees and other wildlife in the process. Option 1: Transport them to the Eden Prairie Yard Waste site The yard waste site, 9811 Flying Cloud Drive, is an exciting new city resource to help residents manage their yard waste throughout the year. Eden Prairie residents…

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As the air turns crisp, many fall farms have opened and will stay open throughout October or longer. This is the time to plan out the perfect fall fun for you and your family. Here are eight places (in no specific order) to find fall fun within just 30 minutes of Eden Prairie, ranging from low-key to action-packed: Degler Farm Location: 10-minute drive. Just outside of Chanhassen at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road. What to expect: Pumpkins, hayrack rides, corn maze, corn pit, air cannon and other activities. No U-pick apples. A good choice for: Relaxed fall…

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