Author: Frank Malley

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Frank graduated from Stanford University and did graduate study at Princeton and the University of Wisconsin toward a Ph.D. in English. He also took graduate business courses at the Illinois Institute of Technology and Illinois’s North Central College. He taught college English and British literature at a two-year University of Wisconsin Center System campus in Marathon County, Wis. For 26 years he worked in purchasing, product development, and general management at light manufacturing companies in the Chicago area. He later owned a company that imported custom-made products from China. In 2016, Frank and Pamela, his wife of 50 years, moved to Minnesota to be near their son, who lives in northeast Minneapolis.

Amid challenges for many local retailers, the JLL management company has announced that Eden Prairie Center is making progress with its tenants on several fronts. JLL is the professional services firm that manages the 1.4 million-square-foot Eden Prairie mall. Ted Gonsior, executive vice president of JLL, stated that the mall is experiencing significant investment and a high level of inventiveness by its tenant stores. According to Gonsior, the long COVID-19 siege has stimulated a renewed desire in the consumer to have a brick-and-mortar life, to go where goods can be seen and touched, and to have a more social kind…

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In past Eden Prairie Local News articles, Eden Prairie Muslim Pakistanis have praised American openness and at the same time clung to a number of traditional Pakistani values and Eden Prairie Russian-Americans have loved America and yet treasured their Russian heritage. Numerically, the Pakistanis and Russians are small parts of the Eden Prairie population. Continuing a push to know Eden Prairie, what is the pattern for the much larger ethnic group of Swedish Lutherans? Ole Olsson might not be the manager of your friendly Eden Prairie grocery store, and your shopping cart might not just miss colliding with a cart pushed…

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In an Eden Prairie doctor’s office, a sign reads, “Russian Spoken Here.” A random list for a community door-knocking campaign yields a sprinkling of names like Svetlana, Vera, Yury, Olga, and Leonid. It turns out that the administrative office for the Russian Educational Center of Minnesota is (where else?) in Eden Prairie. Established in 2002, the center is a non-profit organization offers classes to anyone on Russian language, culture and traditions. Maria Luzhansky, the center’s director, provides insight on the Russians who now call Minnesota home. According to Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota’s Russian population is about 12,500, with more…

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Though only a medium-sized town, Eden Prairie has a big-idea institution on Martin Drive. Founded in 1986, Pride Institute, 14400 Martin Drive, specializes in treatment of addiction in LGBTQ+ patients. Terri Hayden, who has a master’s degree in psychology and many years in treating addiction, is the chief executive officer of Pride Institute. Hayden answered questions about her facility, its programs, and its patients. On why treatment is restricted to gay addicts, Hayden said that gives patients a chance to focus on themselves and feel safe. The patients do not have to explain themselves to non-gay patients. She said that…

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There are Americans who loudly complain that their culture is being stolen from them. There are also Americans who want their ethnicity or religion or family country of origin to be trumpeted as their very identity. This article is not about any of the foregoing. It is about three people in Eden Prairie who describe feeling, at times, like a stranger in their birth culture—as if they are on the outside looking into their heritage. At the same time, they describe feeling vitally American with all the unique individuality that entails. Walk like an Egyptian? Scot Adams is a professor…

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Like a game of Monopoly, seeking health assistance can, at times, be a roll of the dice. In one scenario, phoning the main number at Eden Prairie City Hall to find out about health care that is governmentally provided for Eden Prairie residents results in a response that the city is not responsible for health care of residents.  Further, it is indicated that Hennepin County is responsible for residents’ health care.  Also, a Hennepin County phone number is provided – just not the one for health care or human services. Instead, the incorrect phone number connects you with Hennepin Environmental…

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On April 26, 2021, the 2020 census data facilitated US reapportionment of congressional seats, with Minnesota retaining eight congressional districts. Most folks assume that all census data were released at that late April date. They were not. Just enough information was released to make congressional reapportionment possible. Demographic numbers—pertaining to gender, race, age, ethnicity, and a snapshot of our human relationships—are still to come. Minnesota district maps for Congress, the Minnesota House, and the Minnesota Senate cannot be drawn without the essential demographic details. State Senator Mark Johnson, head of the Minnesota Senate Redistricting Committee, projects that the demographics will…

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The Pax Christi Catholic church building in Eden Prairie is low and, well, rambling. Not a cathedral. Not an imposing fortress of spirituality. It is complete with a Latin name that means “Peace of Christ”. The seed from which this article grew was the historical fact that years ago when Muslims were new to Eden Prairie, Pax Christi followed its philosophy of being welcoming. For several years it allowed the Muslim faithful to use some of Pax Christi’s facility for their worship. It turns out that this action is emblematic of Pax Christi’s ethos of community service. According to Pax…

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This is a story about a mall. It is also a story about perceptions. The perceptions at play at this mall are those of consumers, those who manage consumer perceptions for a living, and finally, those seeking to understand this mixed soup of perceptions — at the mall. The challenge of doing a story on Eden Prairie Center—complete with comments from some anchor tenants and from the business community—is that potential interviewees seem to be running away down the road and disappearing over distant fences. J C Penney’s manager is not permitted to speak to the press. The manager suggests…

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