Author: Juliana Allen

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From now until the end of July, Eden Prairie Schools (EP Schools) is seeking community input about how artificial intelligence (AI) should be incorporated into student learning. Earlier this month, Robb Virgin, EP Schools’ executive director of personalized learning, emailed families, staff, and students in grades 6-12 to let them know that the district is working on plans to address AI in the upcoming school year. “You have likely seen advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Bing AI over the past few months,” he wrote. “Because these tools were built to be interactive and generative…

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Staff, students, and families from multiple generations of Forest Hills Elementary came together earlier this month to celebrate the school’s 50th anniversary. The doors to the school were thrown open on June 1 for a party to which the entire Forest Hills community, past and present, was invited. Visitors were met by festive balloons, decorations, photographs, and other memorabilia spanning the past 50 years since the school was built. Hugs, smiles, and happy conversation abounded as former and current staff, students, and friends reunited, in some cases after many years. Forest Hills fourth graders were on hand to give school…

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Intermittent bursts of rain couldn’t keep the crowds away from four adorable llamas visiting the Eden Prairie Library on Sunday, June 18. Mocha, Bob Marley, Sophia, and Journey each received their fair share of walks, pats, and hugs from visitors ranging from mere infants to senior citizens, as they milled about the Reading Garden behind the library. Eden Prairie resident Ken Fricke said he wouldn’t have missed the event for the world. “I’ve had it on my calendar for months,” he said, as he strolled with an extremely agreeable llama named Bob Marley. “When I saw this event in the…

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At 2:30 p.m. on a warm Tuesday in late May, Eden Prairie High School (EPHS) students streamed into the school’s main gym to the music of global artists, including K-Pop band Seventeen, Somali musician Kiin Jamac, Senegalese-American singer Akon, and Indian singer Hamsika Iyer. Many headed up into the bleachers while others, dressed in colorful clothing from different countries, mingled and chatted. Everyone was there to enjoy Passport 2 Pop Culture, a vibrant celebration of EPHS’ diversity through dance, music, fashion, and sharing of cultural traditions. Hosted by Dare 2 B Real, an intercultural student leadership group that focuses on…

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It’s official — Eden Prairie High School’s (EPHS) and EP Online’s classes of 2023 graduated on June 8 at Target Center in Minneapolis. The EPHS wind ensemble, directed by Mike Whipkey, played the processional as students entered the stadium in their black caps and flowing robes, smiling and waving to their families and friends. Many students were also bedecked in colorful silk cords and stoles, representing various honors, leadership roles, and club memberships. Once students took their seats, the EPHS chamber choir, directed by Jill Boyd, played the National Anthem. Emceed by seniors Shreya Saini and Taslim Olad, the commencement…

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Eden Prairie High School (EPHS) seniors traveled together via bus from the high school to their commencement ceremony at Target Center in Minneapolis on June 8. Many gathered early at the school to spend time together and take photos before graduation. Eden Prairie Local News photographer Gretchen Haynes was on hand to capture some of the special moments among friends and family. Editor’s note: EPLN offers additional coverage of the EPHS graduation, capturing grads walking at the elementary schools, as well as the ceremony itself.

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Eden Prairie High School (EPHS) has hired Tamiko Thomas to be a new associate principal, starting July 1. She will replace departing associate principal Meg Bennett. Previously, Thomas served as an assistant principal at Pioneer Ridge Middle School in Chaska (2022-23 school year), and as assistant principal at Monument Academy in Colorado (2021-22 school year). Prior to that, Thomas worked at Osseo Area Schools for more than eight years, including as Maple Grove Senior High’s assistant principal from 2015 to 2018. She has also served as a social worker and program manager for Hennepin County’s Be@School program, an initiative designed…

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Eden Prairie‘s elementary schools welcomed special visitors on the final day of school — members of Eden Prairie’s class of 2023. Ahead of their formal graduation ceremony later that evening on Thursday, June 8, many Eden Prairie High School (EPHS) seniors returned to their elementary schools for a special “walk through the halls” event. Graduates who did not attend elementary school in Eden Prairie were invited to attend the events with their friends. “It’s a powerful chance for our youngest Eagles to see what they will someday achieve, and for our oldest students to remember where their journeys started,” the…

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People of all ages are invited to attend an open house hosted by Talon Robotics (Team 2502) at Eden Prairie High School’s (EPHS) South Commons from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 3. The team will demo its robot, show off the club’s STEM-related activities, and provide registration information for interested students in grades 4-12. Talon Robotics is a FIRST Robotics Competition team started in 2007 by a group of five EPHS students. The team now has over 50 committed members, plus a large, supportive group of parents, alumni, and mentors. The team works together to build robots that…

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Audiences will be treated to an energetic student-produced variety show at Eden Prairie High School’s (EPHS) “Broadway Extravaganza,” to be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 1, and Friday, June 2, in the school’s Performing Arts Center. Tickets are not required, but donations to support the drama program will be welcomed. “Broadway Extravaganza” showcases student-choreographed musical dance numbers and is one of the school’s “no-cut” shows. Student producers ensure that everyone who wants to participate finds a spot. This year, over 70 students will take part in the production. “Some students bring many years of dance experience to the…

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