Author: Letter to Editor

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I have lived in Eden Prairie for 15 years. If one were to extend a vector west from the end of runway 10R, it would cross directly over our property. In the time we’ve lived here, the noise from aircraft landing at Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) has gotten worse. If I’m outside with friends, it’s impossible to have a conversation when an aircraft is landing. The early morning droning from touch-and-go flights overhead has chased me out of bed. Further aggravating this issue is the fact that there seems to be no accountability. In the past, I’ve reported a helicopter going…

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I watched the recording of the Dec. 3 Eden Prairie City Council meeting and thank EPLN for covering the discussion on property taxes. However, I think you downplayed the reprehensible nature of comments about hanging our mayor by residents John Miller and Steve Wagner. Hanging is lynching; it is violent murder. Such implied threats are shocking to me, even if meant as a joke. Readers can view this exchange and Mayor Ron Case’s spot-on reply in the meeting video, starting at 49 minutes and ending at 58 minutes. Rod Fisher, Eden Prairie

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Editor’s note: This letter to the editor has been updated to remove an inaccurate statement. The original version stated that abortions in Minnesota were previously limited to six months, which is incorrect. Minnesota has had no gestational limits on abortion since the late 1970s. The Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act, passed in 2023, codified this longstanding practice into state law without adding new timing restrictions. The PRO Act, authored by Carlie Kotyka-Witthuhn and signed by Gov. Walz, is no longer a matter of pro-choice or pro-life; it is a matter of if we are pro-human. In previous letters to the…

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