I am enthusiastically casting my vote for Micah Olson for Eden Prairie City Council. I don’t believe I’ve been this committed to cast my vote for a City Council candidate in my entire life. And I’ll explain why. Eden Prairie is a great city. But Micah doesn’t focus simply on the good things that have been done – he looks ahead to how things could be done better. As a longtime resident, I’m frustrated at the Southwest Light Rail. It’s nine years late and over budget by $1.5 billion. I’m also concerned about what that could mean for our city’s public safety.…
Author: Letter to Editor
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. It’s that season again. Lawn signs supporting candidates are popping up all over. Do you know that most candidates spend hours at the doors and on the phones cultivating a list of supporters who are willing to host signs because they believe that candidate is the best choice for the office? There are city ordinances for proper sign placement. You must have permission from the private property owner. And you cannot put signs on city property or open lots without permission. Call the city at 952-949-8300 if you have questions. Spending lots of money on…
I support both ballot questions regarding funding our Eden Prairie Schools. My two sons attended Eden Prairie Schools from kindergarten through high school. They received an excellent education and now work in engineering and cancer research, respectively. We need to keep our educational programs strong. A small monthly increase in our property tax is less than most of us spend weekly to buy our coffee. Theresa Swanson, Eden Prairie
Most people can name their favorite teacher from years ago and recall some of the inspiring things they learned from that beloved educator. Few people, however, can say they get to vote for their favorite teacher, whose second career after 30+ years of teaching in Eden Prairie is to serve in the Minnesota Senate. I count myself lucky to have learned about American history and politics from Steve Cwodzinski when I was in 10th grade at EPHS. His enthusiasm for teaching and his love of the subjects he taught were absolutely transformative for many of his students. What I love about Sen.…
As the parents of four students in Eden Prairie Schools, we are thankful for the opportunity to endorse and support Steve Bartz for re-election to the Eden Prairie School Board in the November 8 election. Since becoming a member of the board, Steve has made a significant impact. He cares about students and teachers. He cares about our district’s commitment to educational excellence while understanding and stewarding taxpayer dollars with balance and care. He is steady and thoughtful in this role. As our board navigates upcoming challenges, we are truly grateful that Steve’s voice will be in the mix on…
At a time when many are sick of election coverage, robo calls, and attack ads, Tom Weiler is just getting into his stride. It’s the 4th quarter, there is a lot on the line, and a lot of ground to cover. He’s approaching the final days before the first election he’ll experience with his name on the ballot with calm direction and purpose. This probably comes from his background serving as a commander on nuclear submarines in the Navy. Or maybe from the five years since dealing with the blow of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s (as a young father), and turning…
A successful school board member deeply knows the community they are serving and truly desires to bring academic excellence to every child who walks through the school doors. It is easy for candidates to show up to a couple of events and take a couple of photographs prior to an election, but a true servant leader sees no other option than to be involved even when the cameras are not recording. Debjyoti “DD” Dwivedy is actively engaged in the city of Eden Prairie, and it is clear that he genuinely cares about the community he has served over the past…
I am a mom of Eden Prairie kids, and like every parent, education is top of mind. When my kids were younger, I did not spend much time thinking about who was on the EP School Board, but now I understand how critical the school board is to the success of our schools. I have gotten to know Steve Bartz over the last few years and believe him to be an honest, engaged parent. He approaches the role of school board member with an open mind while bringing commonsense solutions to the challenges of our schools. This past year, I have watched…
By most measures, Eden Prairie is in a very strong position, headed in the right direction and is considered a leader among Minnesota communities. Our services (roads, snow plowing, parks, trails, water and sewer system), school system, low crime rates and low taxes contribute to a desirable quality of life for residents and businesses. Kathy Nelson, serving four terms on the city council, has been an integral part of that record. She serves all groups, understands the obstacles that need to be overcome to achieve results, and has an evolving vision for the community. She provides valuable continuity in charting…
You’ve seen his flyer. A young, warm, engaging face offering to help us build a bright future together. His mission, he states, is to “forge a new kind of politics” and to focus on “service.” Admirable goals. Who wouldn’t agree with them? I’m sure he’s personally a nice guy and well-meaning. However, if you dig deeper into Mr. Olson’s candidacy, you’ll see that there are several reasons to reject him for the Eden Prairie City Council: He has lived in the city for less than a year. How can you claim to be a leader in a community where you have…