Author: Letter to Editor

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Although I am a regular voter, I honestly have never really known my city council representatives, but after meeting Micah Olson, I am looking forward to him representing me on the city council. Micah is a new voice for the people of Eden Prairie, enthusiastically listening to the people of this great city. He is detail-oriented and can manage large and complicated tasks, so I know that he will make a meaningful impact in the city for me. In our conversations, I could tell that Micah is genuinely interested in the mundane details of local governance and will fully dig…

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I’m a long-time resident of Eden Prairie, a husband, father, grandfather and a volunteer for Faith in Minnesota. We are working to make Minnesota a place for all of us to thrive, no matter of the color of our skin, how much money we have in our pockets, or our background. As voters, we have an opportunity this election to use our power, our voices, and our votes to shape our leadership and make our future a reality. Our group recommends you vote for Tim Walz and Peggy Flanagan, Keith Ellison, Steve Simon, and Mary Moriarty. Here is a quote…

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Here is some information I’d like to share with the citizens of Eden Prairie before they vote on November 8, Election Day. In 2018, then EP City Council member Ron Case led an unlawful attempt to ban the sale of a product legal in the State of Minnesota. That product was any military style semi-automatic rifle. At that time, Councilperson Case either didn’t know or didn’t care that his efforts were unlawful. Fast forward to Aug. 31, 2022. After the tragic and horrific suicide at the Scheel’s store, now-Mayor Ron Case was asked during a political forum what he might recommend the City…

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Long before Steve Cwodzinski became our District 49 senator, we knew of him through our four kids. They each raved about him as their high school civics teacher. We knew he was enthusiastic, thoughtful, knowledgeable, and an inspiring teacher, encouraging students to express their thoughts and explore their beliefs. As Minnesota state senator, he has brought those same attributes to his service of all of his constituents in SD49. He invites all of us to seek him out. He wants to hear our thoughts and insights on our ideas and concerns. He is thoughtful and knowledgeable as he represents us…

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Over the past few years school board races across the state have become more and more divisive. The ability to bring people together and work toward common sense solutions that put students and families first is often in short supply. As the former Chair of the Eden Prairie School Board, I have seen first-hand DD’s commitment to serving our community, and I can say from personal experience that he is the sort of unifier that more school boards need. To achieve continued success in educating our children, stability in leadership is very important. Re-electing DD to the school board will…

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I am writing because I would like to express my support for Micah Olson and his race for Eden Prairie City Council. I have lived in Eden Prairie for 32 years and have known Micah since he was in kindergarten. My sons grew up with Micah, and they all were in Cub Scouts together. I’ve watched Micah first-hand grow into the leader he is today, and I know he will serve Eden Prairie’s residents well. He is truly dedicated to service. His whole life has been dedicated to serving and building relationships with others, and I know he will bring that…

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Recently, we received an email from the Eden Prairie Police Department: “Eden Prairie Police are investigating multiple stolen vehicles and thefts from vehicles which have occurred over the past several days.” Crime in the Twin Cities has risen dramatically, but it’s even more alarming when it’s a few houses away from you. Our neighborhood recently was the target of criminals breaking in with a stolen car in order to steal another car. Criminals are emboldened, and many are repeat offenders who face few consequences for their actions. Residents of EP and Minnetonka have been victims of an increasing number of carjackings,…

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I am enthusiastically casting my vote for Micah Olson for Eden Prairie City Council. I don’t believe I’ve been this committed to cast my vote for a City Council candidate in my entire life. And I’ll explain why. Eden Prairie is a great city. But Micah doesn’t focus simply on the good things that have been done – he looks ahead to how things could be done better. As a longtime resident, I’m frustrated at the Southwest Light Rail. It’s nine years late and over budget by $1.5 billion. I’m also concerned about what that could mean for our city’s public safety.…

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Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. It’s that season again. Lawn signs supporting candidates are popping up all over. Do you know that most candidates spend hours at the doors and on the phones cultivating a list of supporters who are willing to host signs because they believe that candidate is the best choice for the office? There are city ordinances for proper sign placement. You must have permission from the private property owner. And you cannot put signs on city property or open lots without permission. Call the city at 952-949-8300 if you have questions. Spending lots of money on…

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I support both ballot questions regarding funding our Eden Prairie Schools. My two sons attended Eden Prairie Schools from kindergarten through high school. They received an excellent education and now work in engineering and cancer research, respectively. We need to keep our educational programs strong. A small monthly increase in our property tax is less than most of us spend weekly to buy our coffee. Theresa Swanson, Eden Prairie

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