Author: Vijay B. Dixit

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Photo of Vijay Dixit

Vijay Dixit Vijay Dixit left his professional career to champion distraction-free driving after a distracted driver killed his 19-year-old daughter, Shreya, on Nov. 1, 2007. Vijay and his wife Rekha, with their surviving daughter Nayha, established the Shreya R. Dixit Memorial Foundation with the mission to transform the driving culture. The charity works with individuals, businesses, and communities in making distraction-free driving part of a healthy lifestyle. Vijay has been recognized by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for his work in education and has also authored “One Split Second,” a book about the epidemic of distracted driving – how it kills and how we can fix it. He has written many commentaries on the subject of distracted driving.

Vijay B. Dixit, Chairman Shreya R. Dixit Memorial Foundation I am standing at the bottom of a steep hill, staring at the distant peak piercing through the clouds, hoping to reach there, one day. That truly mimics my state of mind when I chose to embrace suffering brought on by a distracted driver killing my daughter, Shreya, in 2007. I named that steep hill, hope. I notice that I am not the only one climbing the hill. I see a number of hills ahead of me. But when I look back, quite a few are behind me as well. Traffic…

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The author Vijay B. Dixit is Chairman of the Shreya R. Dixit Memorial Foundation Traffic fatalities in Minnesota are on the rise. The current data from the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety reports 356 fatalities as of Friday November 20, 2020. Last year the fatality count on this day was 321. The rise in fatalities was a surprise because a lower number in fatalities was expected due to reduced traffic on the road caused by COVID-19. Nationally, motor-vehicle crashes continue to be the number one cause of death for U.S. teens. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that…

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