Join us as we welcome Eden Prairie Mayor Ron Case, and the Eden Prairie Human…
Search Results: "ron case" (185)
Gerry Beckmann readily admits she “can talk forever” about PROP, the non-profit food shelf she…
Thanks for supporting the Eden Prairie Local News! If you would like to see your…
A small pine got to work this week on its 30-year job to eliminate 800…
“There’s berry and then there is cranberry-apple,” explained a server to a woman customer. They…
A new collaboration between the city, schools and businesses is being launched to make Eden…
A plan to build a service station and auto-repair shop in the southeastern corner of…
Controversy over the Noble Hill housing development project in southwestern Eden Prairie detonated in 2021.…
Hatchbacks, pick-up trucks and SUV’s loaded with old furniture, construction materials, worn carpets, paneling, doors…
Two elder Navy veterans were slowly escorted to chairs under a cobalt clear sky. A…